Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cruise Ship Attire

One of the things I forgot to mention about Oceania Cruise Lines is the country club casual attire. Neither Dianne nor I like to dress up. Sure, I’ll do that for weddings or a funeral, but I stopped the suit and tie gig after I sold my pension administration company in 1989.

Now it’s either jeans or shorts and Hawaiian shirts in the summer or jeans and long sleeve work shirts in the winter. And that’s fine for most dining on the ship that I want to attend. We also knew ahead of time that the weather would be rainy and chilly at 65 degrees most of the time.

So before we packed for the cruise Dianne asked if I was taking a pair of dress pants. I said, “No.” If she would have said, “You need a pair of dress pants for any of the specialty restaurants on the ship,” then I would have packed a pair.

We had a reservation for the Italian restaurant, Toscona, for the night of our 15th wedding anniversary. Guess what? I had no proper pants to wear. However, our cabin neighbor, Randy, loaned me a pair of his pants. I’m a 32 regular, and he’s a 40 tall. 

Bottom line: Think ahead and be sure to pack all the correct clothing needed for your cruise.

Here’s how I looked for our anniversary dinner:

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