Friday, April 16, 2010

Quasi Retirement

April 15, 2010

Big things have changed over the last couple of years: I retired from Gabriel Publications the end of 2007; closed my office in Sherman Oaks after 11 years; completed a swap of apartment buildings with my business partner through a real 1031 simultaneous exchange; and moved all my business operations to my home with my assistant. My work week is now down to about 35 hours and I just manage my apartment buildings. I get to sleep in to 7 am, ride my bike in the morning, play with my dogs and see my cat daily.

The office in Sherman Oaks was actually an apartment for my cat, Dogrun. He had to live there because my wife built is allergic to cats. Several years ago she built an art studio in the back yard for her daughter, and now Dogrun lives out there; no longer in my office over the lonely weekends.

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