Friday, August 22, 2014

Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi Folks,
Dianne and I arrived in Copenhagen on Wednesday, August 20. We left Los Angeles on Tuesday morning, August 19. We had to fly to Newark, change planes and then fly to Copenhagen. We arrived at the Marriott at 8:30 AM, and were told our room would be ready by 4 PM. Being the sophisticated travelers that we are, Dianne and I slept in the lobby of the hotel.

This made the general manager very happy to see how comfortable his guests were, so he made sure our room was ready by noon. We were so exhausted that Dianne slept for 16 hours and I slept for 14 hours. Travel is so exciting.

The time was such a blur, all I can tell you is that when we awoke at 6 PM on Thursday, we rented bikes and went to Tivoli Gardens. It's like a funky Disneyland with restaurants and rides set in the middle of Copenhagen.
That's a photo of me and in the background is a stage where a ballet performance was taking place. Dianne refused to be in the photo because she didn't put on her makeup.

From our hotel I could see two of the rides at Tivoli. The one on the left takes people up and spins them around at the end of a long chain. The one on the right takes people up like an elevator, and then drops them like a cable broke. Some of the other rides turned my stomach just watching.
Friday we board our ship, the Oceania Nautica, for our Baltic cruise. First stop, Germany; the homeland of the Jews. Oh wait, that's Israel.

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